Click here for our Neighborhood Profile (demographic characteristics of the neighborhood) created by Portland State University’s Population Research Center using Census 2020 data. It also allows you to see change over time comparing 2020 to 2010. In addition, you can see data for all of Portland’s neighborhoods here.

For the latest neighborhood crime statistics, go to: First, choose the neighborhood association (Eastmoreland). You can either select it in the scroll-down box above the map or you can click on it on the map. Then you select the dates/months you are interested in. These statistics only go back as far as May of 2015 when they began loading the information into the City’s new system. That gives you a two-year window, so it’ll show a small depth of view. At that time, the City reclassified some crimes as well so even though it’s not a long view, the comparisons will be apples to apples from May 2015 forward.